81.   One has to evolve as an artist, to grow, to learn to express different things.

82.   Some old associates of the order say it may evolve as years pass, with the rigid austerity identified with Mother Teresa becoming more flexible.

83.   The game evolved as it spread to the Middle East and Europe, where it became a favorite game of Renaissance royals.

84.   The practice evolved as a way to safeguard the clan, its members, wealth and alliances.

85.   Waugh said Australia has evolved as a world beater under his captain and it would be hard to maintain.

86.   With this card and a decent sound system, it would seem the PC has really evolved as a gaming platform.

87.   He thought fingerprints evolved as a device to improve grip while climbing, he wrote in the New Scientist.

88.   The race evolved precisely as oneAustralia helmsman Rod Davis expected it to in a discussion a day earlier.

89.   The strategy evolved as a response to multiple regional conflicts and the growing need to protect peacekeeping operations with muscle.

v. + as >>共 749
know 10.51%
see 9.14%
come 4.10%
work 4.03%
use 3.96%
identify 3.04%
emerge 1.74%
describe 1.40%
take 1.39%
quote 1.35%
evolve 0.05%
evolve + p. >>共 45
into 43.17%
from 17.60%
in 9.85%
over 5.82%
as 3.90%
with 2.80%
to 2.76%
out_of 1.44%
through 1.40%
beyond 1.14%
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