81.   Gashi escaped notice by standing in the middle of a group of women with a jacket pulled over his head.

82.   He said detailed information on counterfeit drugs is difficult to obtain, sometimes because the fakes are so sophisticated that they escape notice.

83.   The case might have escaped notice outside Texas, except that authorities there failed to notify Mexican consular officials that the Mexican-born defendant had been arrested.

84.   Yet New Guinea has not escaped the notice of the world outside.

85.   The schism has not escaped notice in Beijing.

86.   Some traders complain that there are too many restrictions and even minor transgressions do not escape the notice of regulators, dampening trading.

v. + notice >>共 167
take 29.93%
give 9.49%
serve 9.27%
receive 8.79%
send 4.24%
file 3.43%
post 3.35%
issue 3.24%
escape 3.20%
get 2.83%
escape + n. >>共 1094
injury 7.93%
death 2.50%
damage 2.35%
punishment 2.10%
notice 1.81%
arrest 1.74%
attention 1.72%
detection 1.51%
jam 1.43%
poverty 1.39%
每页显示:    共 85