81.   Environmental laws pose a more complicated problem.

82.   Environmental laws remain on the books.

83.   Environmentalists asked the NAFTA commission to investigate allegations that the U.S. government failed to follow its own environmental laws.

84.   Environmentalists say they do not anticipate the sort of frontal assault on environmental laws that was launched early in the last Congress.

85.   Enforcement of environmental laws is particularly crucial given the evidence that damage to the Amazon is rapidly worsening.

86.   Environmentalist groups said that Gorton, in endorsing the idea of sidestepping environmental laws, was threatening to put the federal government above the law.

87.   Environmentalists pointed out that many of the other environmental laws are under fire in the Legislature and Congress.

88.   Even so, Gingrich is now on record as favoring sound science over narrow politics when it comes to framing environmental law.

89.   Even in King County, generally one of the most progressive in enforcing environmental laws, shoreline administrators have butted heads with state biologists.

90.   Even in straightforward economic terms, it is a foolish idea to gut environmental laws.

a. + law >>共 556
new 14.13%
federal 11.16%
state 8.24%
islamic 3.97%
current 3.25%
antitrust 2.00%
existing 1.99%
proposed 1.54%
local 1.46%
environmental 1.26%
environmental + n. >>共 534
group 16.58%
protection 6.16%
issue 4.08%
damage 3.25%
impact 3.25%
law 2.93%
problem 2.54%
regulation 2.32%
activist 2.23%
concern 2.21%
每页显示:    共 423