81.   Some economists argue that, without big jumps in productivity, a country with a shrinking work force will never see a return to economic growth.

82.   Some economists argue that any protections for steel are a waste of money.

83.   Some economists argue that Greenspan has kept the economy growing at a sustainable pace and, based on that, has kept his reputation intact.

84.   Some economists argue that without more spending on basic research, new-product development will eventually suffer.

85.   Some economists argue, however, that the type of price controls FERC is expected to use more closely correspond to the price that a functioning market would produce.

86.   Some economists have argued for weeks that a temporary payroll tax cut is the cleanest and quickest way to stimulate the economy.

87.   Some other economists argued the economy needs a rate cut to boost the struggling manufacturing industries.

88.   Some leading economists argue strongly that free-floating currencies are still the best system.

89.   Some economists argue national sovereignty must be respected at any cost short of turning a blind eye to slavery or genocide.

90.   Some economists argue that if Chirac had deliberately set out to weaken the euro and strengthen the dollar, he could not have found a better strategy.

n. + argue >>共 987
official 5.99%
lawyer 5.77%
critic 4.61%
opponent 3.44%
government 3.36%
prosecutor 3.23%
company 2.91%
defense 2.20%
group 2.11%
supporter 2.03%
economist 1.46%
economist + v. >>共 403
say 34.35%
expect 8.07%
believe 4.65%
predict 4.56%
be 4.46%
warn 3.25%
agree 2.74%
argue 2.11%
think 1.93%
see 1.49%
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