81.   Most days, the children wake early and eat breakfast with their mothers.

82.   Moving to another position in the same area, Lieutenant Baker stumbled upon a well-camouflaged machine gun nest, the crew of which was eating breakfast.

83.   Nearly as memorable but considerably less historic, then-California Sen. S.I. Hayakawa asked for and ate a breakfast of canned sardines on lettuce, Sperling recalled.

84.   Most of the almost six million children who eat school breakfasts receive either free or reduced-price meals.

85.   New Mayor Anthony A. Williams ate a breakfast of fried eggs, grits, sausage and biscuits at the Florida Avenue Grill on the morning after his election.

86.   On Tuesday, Carter had diverted from his planned schedule to eat breakfast with Sanchez and Paya.

87.   Partners, he said, ate breakfast together, did laundry together, meditated together, staring into space for hours.

88.   Over all, breakfast skippers were less productive and handled tasks less efficiently than those who ate breakfast.

89.   People sipped coffee, ate fancy breakfasts and discussed politics and world events in a flower-filled, lavishly-draped dining area.

90.   Rockefeller, eating breakfast, studied the model closely through his black-rimmed glasses.

v. + breakfast >>共 96
have 26.67%
eat 18.76%
serve 9.72%
include 5.42%
cook 2.60%
make 2.60%
skip 2.37%
prepare 2.37%
finish 2.03%
get 1.92%
eat + n. >>共 1111
food 7.80%
lunch 5.12%
meat 4.04%
fish 2.98%
meal 2.93%
dinner 2.74%
breakfast 2.43%
lot 1.73%
beef 1.65%
sandwich 1.26%
每页显示:    共 165