81.   Zelman said consumers have helped contribute to the rising costs by demanding less restrictive plans that offer a wider choice of doctors and easier access to specialists.

82.   Other agreements include scholarships for Djibouti nationals studying in Ethiopia, easier access to Djibouti for Ethiopian passanger and freight transport and issuing of visas at entry points.

83.   Opinion surveys show that a slight majority of Poles favor easier access to abortion.

84.   Perry had already signed a bill to give inmates easier access to post-conviction DNA testing.

85.   A relaxed trading arrangement in the region will give the smaller countries easier access to the huge Indian market, diplomats said.

86.   Advocates of easier access to abortion say many Polish women have had pregnancies terminated illegally or in other countries.

87.   According to Miller, who oversees national and local police forces, easier access to guns will make Poles feel safer.

88.   Also, the commission is pushing for easier access to French-language instruction for adults, along with more English instruction in French schools.

89.   And Barbados, Canada, Tunisia, and Turkey all changed their abortion laws to allow for easier access without increasing abortion rates, the report said.

90.   Bush said he would promote a free-trade agreement with Morocco, thereby giving the North African country easier access to U.S. markets.

a. + access >>共 752
easy 6.69%
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free 5.86%
greater 4.58%
full 3.36%
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equal 3.03%
direct 2.85%
easier 2.21%
limited 1.85%
easier + n. >>共 407
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