81.   Neither Howell nor Moffitt would answer questions about their dual roles as private sector consultants and gubernatorial advisers.

82.   Now their dual roles of worker and student are more precisely defined.

83.   Odette and Odile are usually danced by the same ballerina, the dual role displaying her dramatic and technical powers.

84.   On one show-and-tell day last month, those dual roles, and the complicated issues they raise, were on display.

85.   Others have, and though they stress that their primary allegiance is to the lab, no one disputes that their dual roles are a touchy subject.

86.   Other agencies and Education Ministry officials complained that her dual role represented a conflict of interest.

87.   Paul Schoeffler takes on the dual roles of Mr. Darling and Capt. Hook, Elisa Sagardia plays Wendy, and Dana Solimando plays Liza and Tiger Lily.

88.   Peres dismissed suggestions that he should give up his dual role as defense minister or otherwise overhaul his cabinet in response to the national crisis.

89.   Recently, that dual role has become an issue for Jeb Bush, with some local supporters questioning whether he is focused on the presidential election.

90.   Several players admitted that playing the dual role of international good sportsman and dominant gold-medal favorite can be a chore.

a. + role >>共 848
key 5.90%
important 5.27%
major 4.40%
active 3.94%
new 3.38%
leading 3.03%
greater 2.04%
central 1.97%
prominent 1.58%
significant 1.57%
dual 0.78%
dual + n. >>共 441
citizenship 12.92%
role 9.53%
nationality 6.33%
purpose 2.95%
system 2.03%
headquarters 1.97%
function 1.60%
career 1.41%
airbags 1.35%
currency 1.29%
每页显示:    共 154