81.   It was one of many reasons Lange offered for his conclusion that drugs had nothing to do with the crimes.

82.   Just in the last couple of months, the corrosive effect that drugs inevitably have on any society appears to have reached the upper echelons of the Mexican army.

83.   Killian said that if the initiative passes, drugs such as heroin and LSD could be used only if there is scientific proof that those drugs have medical benefit.

84.   Many drugs have names that sound alike, causing confusion for doctors and nurses.

85.   Missing doses of HIV drugs can have drastic effects, sometimes allowing the virus to mutate into a drug-resistant form.

86.   Most current drugs have a broad, non-specific effect.

87.   More killings occur, and this time drugs certainly have nothing to do with them.

88.   NEGA-SPORTAGRA - This drug had the strange effect of making men want to turn off televised sports and actually converse with other family members.

89.   Nearly all such drugs have to be injected.

90.   Not every doctor is enthusiastic about t-PA because the drug has some dangerous side effects.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
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drug 0.12%
drug + v. >>共 520
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