81.   I sat out and drank water until the cramps subsided.

82.   I urge them to eat oranges and drink water.

83.   I promise to take the medicine, drink the water and eat wisely.

84.   I sat back often, wiped down, drank water and observed my fellow practitioners, some well into middle age, doing effortlessly what was exhausting me.

85.   If you drink enough water, you should be fine.

86.   In a country once one of the richest in the Arab world, drinking water is mixed with sewage.

87.   If you are in this category, make sure you drink enough water and watch your weight.

88.   In a public notice issued Monday, the water company noted that people who drink water contaminated by fecal coliform may experience diarrhea, cramps, nausea and jaundice.

89.   In a traditional West African-style ceremony, they ate a bitter herb, sipped honey and drank water to symbolically cleanse themselves of their old identities.

90.   In cold weather, many people forget to drink enough water.

v. + water >>共 528
add 3.91%
drink 3.63%
use 3.24%
pour 2.70%
run 2.38%
have 2.11%
enter 1.99%
bring 1.96%
pump 1.93%
get 1.92%
drink + n. >>共 334
water 12.22%
beer 11.10%
coffee 8.10%
alcohol 8.04%
tea 5.73%
wine 5.30%
lot 3.75%
milk 3.52%
glass 2.50%
juice 1.61%
每页显示:    共 369