81.   The practice is drawing the ire of several consumer electronics manufacturers.

82.   The potential of such a large defection was a blow to the Democratic Party and drew the ire of President Clinton.

83.   The request drew the ire of consumers, who deluged the PUC with phone calls, letters and e-mails protesting the increase.

84.   The result is a loose infield that makes footing and the bounces of ground balls tricky, often drawing the ire of infielders.

85.   The reprocessing plant draws particular ire from environmental campaigners because it produces its own highly radioactive waste.

86.   The stadium was littered with signs challenging him, and that was enough to draw the ire of his manager, Bobby Cox.

87.   The spinoff will distance Sabre from American, which drew the ire of travel agents last year after it and other U.S. airlines put a limit on agent commissions.

88.   The trip had drawn the ire of the State Department, which has severed diplomatic ties with Iraq since the Persian Gulf War.

89.   These independent student Web publications can draw the ire of school administrators, but school-sponsored Web newspapers can run into similar conflicts.

90.   There would be no individual team owners to draw the ire of politicians, fans or communities targeted for new stadiums.

v. + ire >>共 63
draw 35.06%
raise 22.92%
arouse 6.29%
earn 2.92%
provoke 2.70%
risk 2.70%
rouse 2.70%
direct 2.47%
attract 1.57%
stir 1.57%
draw + n. >>共 656
attention 9.56%
criticism 6.16%
line 4.85%
crowd 2.60%
fire 2.51%
conclusion 2.38%
support 2.07%
people 1.43%
walk 1.32%
plan 1.28%
ire 0.77%
每页显示:    共 155