81.   Fast asleep, I passed through a doorway and the door slammed shut.

82.   Later Wednesday, nervous policemen at a roadblock heard a car door slam and fired into the air in panic, a witness said.

83.   Later Wednesday, nervous policemen at a midtown roadblock heard a car door slam and fired into the air in panic, a witness told the AP.

84.   Some jump when a door slams or a light flashes.

85.   The doors slammed shut and the van sped down the street with Elian inside.

86.   When the steel doors of a Paris prison slammed shut behind Carlos the Jackal, the notorious terrorist was regally puffing on the finest Cuban cigars.

n. + slam >>共 326
shell 10.82%
door 7.75%
rocket 7.30%
plane 5.86%
car 3.70%
missile 2.89%
official 2.34%
train 1.89%
driver 1.62%
jet 1.35%
door + v. >>共 285
be 24.89%
open 23.01%
close 6.76%
slam 3.59%
have 3.17%
swing 3.17%
shut 2.17%
remain 2.17%
fly 1.13%
slide 1.13%
每页显示:    共 85