81.   The company has been plagued by a series of sexual, racial, and age discrimination lawsuits, some of which are pending.

82.   The caller identified himself as Richard Lundwall, and offered information that would be of help in the discrimination lawsuit against Texaco.

83.   The department is defending discrimination lawsuits from whites who claim that the decree is not likely to pass constitutional muster, although it has in the past.

84.   The federal judge in the racial discrimination lawsuit against Georgia Power Co. set ground rules Thursday for communications with employees who are prospects to join a class action.

85.   The initiatives are taking place as the company works to settle a racial discrimination lawsuit.

86.   The group of employees, six black and three white, later filed a racial discrimination lawsuit.

87.   The Justice Department continues to file more housing discrimination lawsuits in the nearly all-white Detroit suburbs than anywhere else in the country.

88.   The new Diversity Leadership Academy, formed here last year in the wake of a racial discrimination lawsuit against Coca-Cola, holds its first class Thursday.

89.   The new year is bringing a new legal headache for Microsoft Corp., in the form of a racial discrimination lawsuit against the company.

90.   The New York Times reported Tuesday that a small group of black assistants has talked about filing a class-action discrimination lawsuit against the NFL.

n. + lawsuit >>共 269
class-action 23.67%
discrimination 7.13%
shareholder 7.03%
death 3.64%
liability 2.89%
malpractice 2.49%
defamation 2.29%
tobacco 2.29%
infringement 2.04%
wrongful-death 1.94%
discrimination + n. >>共 76
lawsuit 19.27%
case 17.52%
suit 16.31%
complaint 11.05%
law 7.14%
claim 7.01%
charge 5.12%
issue 1.89%
allegation 1.08%
policy 0.81%
每页显示:    共 142