81.   That day, dense fog settled over both London and Amsterdam.

82.   The attack on Alkhan-Kala took place several days ago during a dense fog.

83.   The cooled air at the ground then drained into low spots in the terrain, causing zones of dense fog amid the hills of the southern Appalachians.

84.   The crash and subsequent fire occurred in dense autumnal fog shortly after midnight at a Thruway underpass on Central Park Avenue here.

85.   The day will begin with areas of clouds and dense fog, which will yield to some sun in most areas, especially away from the Appalachians.

86.   The day will begin with areas of dense fog in the East Coast states, which will yield to occasional hazy sunshine at midday and in the afternoon.

87.   The helicopter took to the air Tuesday, but was grounded later by dense fog.

88.   The morning will feature patches of dense fog in the Tennessee Valley, but afternoon sunshine will boost temperatures to above normal readings.

89.   The temperature often begins an abrupt rise which aids in the dissipation of dense fogs as the sun warms the saturated air.

90.   Then dense fog suddenly blotted the view.

a. + fog >>共 191
dense 22.17%
thick 21.55%
heavy 18.55%
patchy 9.10%
coastal 2.03%
freezing 1.59%
impenetrable 0.71%
cold 0.62%
deep 0.62%
white 0.62%
dense + n. >>共 369
fog 17.61%
forest 10.39%
jungle 6.25%
smoke 5.54%
cloud 2.46%
wood 2.32%
foliage 2.04%
growth 1.26%
population 1.26%
vegetation 1.19%
每页显示:    共 249