81.   UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali Wednesday delegated his authority for launching air strikes against the Bosnian Serbs to the French general commanding UN peacekeeping forces on the ground.

82.   UN special envoy on Yugoslavia Yasushi Akashi also delegated his authority to Janvier on the use of close air support to defend UN personnel.

v. + authority >>共 776
have 20.25%
say 3.90%
accuse 3.37%
urge 2.28%
ask 2.06%
alert 2.06%
notify 2.00%
tell 1.71%
overstep 1.64%
give 1.60%
delegate 0.89%
delegate + n. >>共 63
authority 27.33%
responsibility 16.67%
power 10.33%
task 9.67%
work 3.00%
duty 2.33%
job 2.00%
decision 2.00%
detail 2.00%
chore 1.33%
每页显示:    共 82