81.   The court was due to inform lawyers whether Yahyaoui would be provisionally freed, but his defence counsel said they considered this unlikely.

82.   The defence counsel has, however, conceded that there is defamation, but not sufficiently serious to warrant criminal prosecution.

83.   The other five charged with genocide appeared to have no defence counsel at all.

n. + counsel >>共 95
defense 20.13%
deputy 19.04%
defence 18.16%
corporation 5.03%
trial 2.63%
minority 2.41%
university 2.41%
bond 1.53%
staff 1.53%
committee 1.31%
defence + n. >>共 331
ministry 17.96%
minister 14.63%
lawyer 7.12%
official 5.38%
spokesman 4.94%
source 4.51%
force 2.43%
counsel 2.13%
industry 1.43%
system 1.31%
每页显示:    共 82