81.   Russia is also in a deep depression and the lack of funds to upgrade computers has delayed work on the millennium bug.

82.   Salas said Fujimori fell into a deep depression.

83.   So hard, the then-keyboardist for the Grateful Dead went into a deep depression.

84.   Symptoms can be aggressive and irrational behavior, alcoholism, deep depression, recurring nightmares or daytime flashbacks.

85.   The book was therapy for Jacquet, who admits he fell into a deep depression in the weeks following victory.

86.   The doctor reportedly said both deaths have had a bad effect on the detainees, and that most of them are in deep depression.

87.   The empress last autumn suffered a breakdown attributed by palace officials to a deep depression caused by a series of unprecedented critical articles.

88.   They also said it could help victims of abuse prevent falling into deep depression.

89.   With the cement industry in a deep depression, Gujarat Ambuja is making the right moves.

90.   Life in Arbil appears to go on as normal but under the surface there is a deep depression and bitterness.

a. + depression >>共 278
tropical 12.63%
severe 8.73%
clinical 7.72%
postpartum 7.58%
manic 6.85%
deep 6.64%
major 4.04%
economic 3.68%
chronic 2.96%
mild 1.73%
deep + n. >>共 742
breath 6.38%
cut 3.86%
concern 2.26%
division 2.08%
trouble 1.87%
water 1.79%
discount 1.52%
root 1.50%
recession 1.26%
snow 1.14%
depression 0.91%
每页显示:    共 92