81.   ATT said the decline reflected the de-emphasis of wireless product sales by ATT Wireless Services and a decrease in sales of submarine system products.

82.   The Society said the decline could reflect a slowdown in delivery times or consumer concern with fat content and calories.

83.   The data showed that the decline reflected mainly weakness in the building industry.

84.   The decline in exports reflects drops in military and capital goods and industrial supplies.

85.   The decline in revenue reflects a prolonged slump in the semiconductor industry.

86.   The decline reflected slow private-sector demand as companies continued holding down capital spending, ministry officials said.

87.   The decline in exports reflected lower sales of agricultural products, auto parts and capital goods.

88.   The decline reflected a relatively sharp drop in near money, as well as reduced lending by financial institutions and a shift of funds to corporate bonds.

89.   The decline reflects corporate moves to streamline financial assets in the fallout from speculative financial investment, and to reduce inventories due to sluggish sales, the daily said.

90.   The decline reflects the collection of US income taxes in the month, according to a department spokeswoman.

n. + reflect >>共 1445
price 3.52%
increase 2.40%
result 2.29%
figure 1.99%
decline 1.53%
number 1.53%
move 1.50%
change 1.35%
comment 1.20%
report 1.15%
decline + v. >>共 251
be 39.31%
come 7.19%
reflect 4.40%
offset 3.03%
continue 2.46%
lead 2.03%
follow 1.42%
occur 1.32%
hurt 1.23%
help 1.09%
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