81.   This way actual statistical tracking data will indicate whether racial profiling is being used in traffic stops.

82.   Trade observers said historical data indicate most U.S. grain markets rally the day before Thanksgiving.

83.   When an object moves in space, data indicating the change in position must be transmitted.

84.   While the manufacturing data indicated a continued slowdown, news about earnings did not.

85.   When the data indicate gaps in a block of traffic passing an on-ramp, the light there turns green.

86.   While it began as a controlled descent, radar data indicates it later became faster than what the airplane is designed for.

87.   Andrew G. Sharkey, CEO of the American Iron and Steel Institute, said the data indicate that American companies are subject to unfair competition.

88.   As of Sunday, preliminary data indicated the spacecraft remained in good health.

89.   Black said the flight recorder data could indicate weight and balance problems from the performance of the plane.

90.   Bonds shot higher after economic data indicated that the economy may be sluggish.

n. + indicate >>共 1373
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datum 1.52%
datum + v. >>共 404
be 27.19%
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