81.   Few data are available on either the prevalence of oesophageal mucosal disease in asthmatics or the effect of bronchodilator therapy on the oesophageal mucosa.

82.   There is considerable species variation in the response of the stomach to alcohol and so animal studies will be cited only where data from humans are inadequate.

83.   There are data on the genotoxic potential of anthranoids and there is evidence of a tumourigenic potential in rodents.

84.   Patient demographic, clinical and laboratory data are summarised in Table I, II, and III.

85.   To date, no data are available about the neurohumoral mechanisms underlying high amplitude propagated contraction onset.

86.   The data were off loaded to a computer and processed using the Esophagram software.

87.   Data presented are from the intention to treat analysis.

88.   One of the factors that may be protective is calcium, but the epidemiological data are contentious.

89.   Our data are also consistent with observations in man that mucosal proliferation is increased in patients with large adenomas or cancer.

90.   These data are in agreement with our findings, and with the fact that plasma fatty acid pattern reflects the fatty acid composition of the tissues.

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