81.   A neutral public servant would not try to take advantage of that ambiguity to cut short the manual count, which is allowed under Florida law.

82.   A season that would be cut short by knee surgery.

83.   A recession did start, but it was cut short by the surging stock market.

84.   A spokesperson for the company said Senator Pryor of the U.S. yesterday introduced a bill to cut short the patents on several products, including Zantac.

85.   A week later, the circus cut short its engagement and left town.

86.   After a pair of sideline sessions, Cone cut short another simulated game last Wednesday, this one after two innings.

87.   After breaking near dawn for a nap, he cut short a White House staff meeting to rush back into the talks with the negotiators.

88.   After many requests, Edelman granted a phone interview and then cut it short.

89.   After tendering his resignation, Bratton became so emotional about his departure that he was forced to cut short a meeting with his executive staff.

v. + short >>共 16
cut 87.72%
sell 5.18%
keep 2.79%
leave 1.20%
crop 1.12%
find 0.56%
consider 0.48%
have 0.16%
make 0.16%
order 0.16%
cut + a. >>共 161
short 58.70%
loose 10.03%
open 4.48%
free 2.13%
early 2.13%
spending 1.76%
close 1.60%
overseas 1.39%
deeper 1.33%
due 0.91%
每页显示:    共 1094