81.   The United States and the Soviet Union enjoyed cultural exchanges throughout the Cold War but they did little to warm the atmosphere.

82.   The United States and the Soviet Union enjoyed cultural exchanges throughout the Cold War but this did little to warm the atmosphere.

83.   There are hundreds of treaties of friendship, cooperation, trade and cultural exchange with both developing and developed countries on six continents.

84.   There are some Cuban exiles who favor cultural exchanges.

85.   These festivals also tend to result in the unlikeliest of cultural exchanges.

86.   There is also the gamesmanship, inherent in every international cultural exchange, over exactly which art works would be allowed to leave Russia.

87.   These teams might want to consider a cultural exchange for next season.

88.   They are catalysts for cultural exchange.

89.   Though the economic embargo of Cuba, the Helms-Burton Act, leaves a loophole for cultural exchange, nothing of this size had been attempted before.

a. + exchange >>共 946
cultural 5.74%
heavy 3.01%
heated 2.50%
brief 2.11%
military 1.88%
european 1.65%
new 1.63%
the 1.45%
first 1.42%
free 1.40%
cultural + n. >>共 1500
center 4.36%
difference 3.59%
exchange 3.07%
institution 2.38%
event 2.27%
heritage 2.26%
identity 1.46%
icon 1.25%
tie 1.23%
diversity 1.20%
每页显示:    共 249