81.   Big crowds again turned out for competition but there were also packed churches for services to mourn the two dead victims and the injured.

82.   Crowds turned out to cheer the coup led by Amadou Toumani Toure which ousted Traore.

83.   It was the first such explosion in the normally calm Saudi capital, and large crowds turned up to gawk at the ruins.

84.   Large crowds turned up for rallies, despite the dawn-to-dusk religious fasting for Ramadan.

85.   No crowds turned out to greet the former leader of the free world as he travelled between the two Tokyo-based universities.

86.   The crowd turned on the SHIK headquarters with stones, fired shots and hurled grenades at the building, setting it on fire, witnesses said.

n. + turn >>共 1351
thing 1.66%
people 1.66%
company 1.51%
investor 1.01%
government 0.95%
tide 0.94%
market 0.82%
man 0.80%
official 0.78%
weather 0.77%
crowd 0.39%
crowd + v. >>共 814
be 14.88%
gather 5.98%
roar 3.24%
cheer 3.18%
begin 2.46%
go 2.09%
boo 1.70%
disperse 1.59%
give 1.47%
grow 1.36%
turn 1.12%
每页显示:    共 85