81.   Police, some in riot gear, cordoned off the mosque to deter any attacks and to control the crowds.

82.   Security is always heavy at Tiananmen Square, but on Tuesday police were out in especially large numbers to control the crowds.

83.   Scores of people flooded the state payment office in Sarajevo to exchange their cash, with army guards controlling the crowds.

84.   Several other people also suffered electric burns from the prods the security guards used to try to control the crowd.

85.   State-run Tehran television showed fans wielding metal poles locked in battle with anti-riot forces trying to control the crowds.

86.   Streets around the neighborhood were closed to traffic by police, who formed human chains to try to control the crowds.

87.   The brawlers arranged the fight in advance so they could avoid police sent to soccer fields to control crowds.

88.   The city began issuing free tickets Wednesday to a viewing platform overlooking the World Trade Center site in an effort to control swelling crowds.

89.   The brawlers arranged the fight in advance to avoid police sent to control crowds at soccer fields.

90.   The commuters were fleeing security guards who used electric prods to control the crowd while checking tickets.

v. + crowd >>共 585
draw 11.00%
disperse 10.83%
address 5.34%
attract 3.52%
control 2.58%
have 2.05%
work 2.01%
keep 1.97%
join 1.97%
avoid 1.51%
control + n. >>共 972
cost 2.55%
most 2.28%
access 1.67%
game 1.55%
area 1.53%
flow 1.45%
ball 1.42%
part 1.29%
inflation 1.23%
crowd 1.06%
每页显示:    共 122