81.   U.S. stocks fell after an economic report indicated that consumer inflation jumped higher than expected last month.

82.   While growth was positive and unemployment fell over the past two years, consumer price inflation has exceeded targeted rates, the report said.

83.   He said generally favorable prospects for labor costs and for prices of core production materials would keep consumer price inflation near its present level of below three percent.

84.   He said the key to handling consumer price inflation in the longer term was to tackle the supply of land and labour.

85.   Interest rates in New Zealand and the kiwi dollar fell Tuesday and share prices rose on news that consumer inflation had fallen more than expected in the first quarter.

86.   After peaking in May last year, consumer price inflation has been slowing in recent months, mainly as a result of falling oil and food prices.

87.   The strong US economic growth rate could lead to increased consumer price inflation soon, Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan warned Wednesday.

88.   Until that changed, interest rates would remain high relative to consumer price inflation.

89.   London dealers said they were cautious ahead of American consumer price inflation and industrial production figures to be released later Friday.

90.   The Federal Reserve now uses the PCE price index as its prime gauge of consumer inflation, replacing data from the consumer price index.

n. + inflation >>共 182
price 15.52%
consumer 10.83%
grade 7.46%
wage 5.54%
fuel 3.85%
year 3.13%
core 2.17%
retail 1.93%
concern 1.68%
optimism 1.68%
consumer + n. >>共 520
confidence 10.82%
group 9.14%
price 6.98%
demand 6.76%
advocate 6.33%
product 4.03%
electronics 2.39%
market 2.14%
company 1.82%
sentiment 1.34%
inflation 0.66%
每页显示:    共 89