81.   Lightly armed Chechens have enjoyed considerable success against Russian armor, turning the vehicles into fiery deathtraps with anti-tank grenades or even Molotov cocktails.

82.   Nevertheless, Pena Gomez said democratic socialists had achieved considerable success in Latin America.

83.   On the other hand, Clinton has had considerable success using the speech to frame the political debate.

84.   Russian authorities have stepped up their anti-poaching operation in the Far East this year and claim considerable success in reducing the amount of poaching.

85.   Someday he might bulk up, as former cruiserweight champion Evander Holyfield did with considerable success, and fight with the big guys.

86.   The lightly armed Chechens have enjoyed considerable success against Russian armor, turning the vehicles into fiery deathtraps with anti-tank grenades or even Molotov cocktails.

87.   The lightly armed Chechens have enjoyed considerable success against Russian armor, turning them into fiery deathtraps with anti-tank grenades or even Molotov cocktails.

88.   There are singers and musicians who are treated like brand-names, in that no matter what project they are involved in, considerable success is assured.

89.   Unless Rambis has considerable success, the Lakers may go after a high-profile coach, such as former Chicago Bulls coach Phil Jackson, following the season.

90.   Government troops based in Travnik recently notched up considerable successes against the Bosnian Serb army in the area, taking back several key towns and territory.

a. + success >>共 990
great 5.29%
recent 2.95%
early 2.54%
limited 2.44%
commercial 2.42%
economic 2.42%
huge 2.00%
financial 1.92%
big 1.72%
major 1.42%
considerable 1.17%
considerable + n. >>共 1119
influence 3.26%
time 3.25%
amount 2.63%
damage 2.43%
power 2.34%
support 1.78%
attention 1.68%
pressure 1.64%
debate 1.38%
interest 1.33%
success 1.31%
每页显示:    共 92