81.   It cannot be overstressed that in every sale the reasonableness of the restrictive covenants must be considered in the particular circumstances.

82.   It should be considered in the context of any specific understandings concluded outside the partnership agreement itself as to what targets each partner is expected to achieve.

83.   The drafting of a suitable formula is considered in more detail in the context of rent review.

84.   Another matter to be considered in detail will be any continuing services that are required by Newco.

85.   In this chapter only exclusion clauses, disclosure and consent and Chinese walls are considered in detail.

86.   The principle that the press may represent the public should be considered in all cases where the court is cleared, except perhaps when national security is being discussed.

87.   The case is important because the Court of Appeal considered in some detail the way in which a restraint of trade clause should be construed.

88.   Both these issues are now considered in detail.

89.   The meaning of the requirement of specificity for a particular purpose was considered in Kendall v Lillico.

90.   Items -- are considered below in this chapter with the remainder of this book being devoted to takeover offers under the City Code.

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