81.   The poll was conducted by the California College Republicans at the convention, held in Palm Desert, Calif.

82.   The poll was conducted in April by Tito Boeri, an economist at Bocconi University in Milan, for the Debenedetti Foundation.

83.   The poll was conducted in English, Mandarin and Cantonese by the Chinese-American Voters Education Committee.

84.   The poll was conducted last year by Blum and Weprin Associates Inc. for Swing Magazine.

85.   The poll will be conducted jointly by American Viewpoint, a firm that conducts surveys for Republicans, and Lake Research, which does the same for Democrats.

86.   The polls were conducted by Voter News Service, a cooperative of the television networks and AP.

87.   The nationwide polls were conducted by the Moscow-Based Russian Center for Public Opinion and Market Research in the spring and summer.

88.   The poll was conducted by Quinnipiac College.

89.   The poll was conducted by the Marketing Research Department of The Kansas City Star.

90.   The poll was conducted in February and March, before discontent with the federal government apparently took a violent, fiery turn in Oklahoma City.

v. + poll >>共 308
conduct 11.41%
boycott 6.52%
hold 4.45%
take 4.05%
publish 2.32%
contest 2.27%
release 2.03%
lead 1.98%
win 1.93%
leave 1.88%
conduct + n. >>共 390
test 8.60%
investigation 5.28%
study 5.02%
business 4.66%
research 4.00%
interview 3.79%
search 3.77%
survey 3.65%
trial 2.33%
experiment 2.18%
poll 1.95%
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