81.   One summer his daughter and I built bleachers out of scrap boards and concrete blocks and invited the neighborhood kids over.

82.   On Sunday it perched halfway to the rafters on stacked concrete blocks, as if it expected God himself to reach down and tickle the ivory.

83.   Or the Tennessee man who tried to break into a jewelry store with a concrete block.

84.   Other builders use masonry concrete block with steel reinforced columns, allowing for a less standardized product and more customization of interior design.

85.   Q. Could I use Kilz to kill the stains on a concrete block foundation inside my basement?

86.   Put down some concrete blocks.

87.   Q. My brother built a retaining wall of concrete block.

88.   Scores of offices were destroyed, with ceiling panels corkscrewed beyond recognition and concrete blocks sitting atop desktops.

89.   Rob Petrosino used concrete blocks for the area around his backyard swimming pool.

90.   Set the bottom of the stringer on a concrete block or a pad of poured concrete.

a. + block >>共 663
concrete 9.65%
large 6.97%
trading 3.62%
entire 2.64%
same 2.64%
big 2.21%
huge 1.97%
whole 1.77%
square 1.54%
wooden 1.46%
concrete + n. >>共 878
wall 4.74%
floor 4.72%
block 4.54%
slab 4.35%
step 4.05%
action 3.00%
barrier 2.67%
evidence 2.67%
proposal 2.65%
result 2.41%
每页显示:    共 244