81.   By moving a few tanks and barrels, his small winery can be converted into a intimate little concert hall.

82.   By placing such pieces next to established masterworks in the concert hall and later recording them, he secured recognition for many important scores.

83.   Concert halls and opera houses were considered the last bastions of unamplified sound.

84.   Contributions were sent to the tax-exempt Kennesaw State College Foundation, which supports various campus activities from research to construction of a concert hall.

85.   Cooling systems have made concert halls into urban refuges from the heat and stench of August.

86.   Concert halls were never the same again.

87.   Daniel Binelli is the premier player of the instrument, which has suddenly and surprisingly made its way into the concert hall.

88.   Crossover recordings, in the utopian argument advanced after the success of the Three Tenors, can attract new fans to the opera house and the concert hall.

89.   Designed by self-taught country builders, they are gracefully proportioned and frequently have acoustics any big-city concert hall would envy.

90.   Downstairs at the House of Blues concert hall, Holyfield leaned against a bar and strummed an ode to himself.

n. + hall >>共 227
concert 15.52%
convention 8.68%
conference 5.09%
pool 4.32%
exhibition 4.23%
lecture 4.23%
entrance 3.55%
banquet 3.33%
sport 2.99%
residence 2.69%
concert + n. >>共 271
hall 21.04%
tour 8.41%
pianist 5.16%
promoter 4.35%
stage 4.06%
ticket 3.71%
series 2.96%
performance 2.03%
venue 2.03%
date 1.91%
每页显示:    共 361