81.   The companies signed a letter of intent to combine in a new company.

82.   The company also signed a deal with Netscape Communications Corp. to license its popular software for traveling a part of the Internet called the World Wide Web.

83.   The company has just signed a deal with Rutledge Hill Press to publish four books repackaging existing iVillage features.

84.   The company has signed an advertising deal with Pepsi-Cola and marketed a Visa credit card.

85.   The company has signed deals with Rolling Stone Network, Surfer Magazine and Universal Studios to provide other images for viewing during the loading time.

86.   The company has signed separate agreements with most of the NFL stadiums.

87.   The company recently signed a five-year contract for producing the Longbow for the military, Jensen said.

88.   The company recently signed a new five-year lease on its Pacoima manufacturing facility.

89.   The company signed a nonbinding agreement with the state and city in June and has been negotiating the terms of a contract since then.

90.   The company signed an agreement to provide Road Runner, its package of Internet-related programming, to Cablevision.

n. + sign >>共 737
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leader 3.45%
official 3.29%
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agreement 2.11%
player 1.84%
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say 10.43%
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