81.   Inside each nucleus are even smaller particles, called quarks and gluons, that combine to make protons and neutrons.

82.   Miserable roads, no airport or local communications network and general disorder combine to make it even harder to help the hundreds of thousands of refugees from Kosovo.

83.   Sampras, who had only two aces against Mirnyi, said his tightly strung racket and heavy balls combined to make his arm sore.

84.   The growing unemployment rate and the fear of losing jobs have combined to make people tighten their purse strings and hold on to their savings.

85.   The fire was doused before the fumes could combine to make the deadly gas hydrogen cyanide.

86.   The no-frills field station consists of two trailers combined to make room for dormitories, a kitchen and dining room, two bathrooms and a lab.

87.   The wicked rhythm section and blazing hot horns combine to make this a nonstop dance-a-thon.

88.   These four building blocks can fit together to form more complex numbers or words, which then combine to make larger words.

89.   War, snow and fog have combined to make the job of getting help to the region an enormous one.

90.   While child prostitution is not a modern phenomenon, experts say developments in recent decades have combined to make it grow.

v. + make >>共 1093
use 22.37%
do 5.23%
work 3.50%
be 3.16%
can 1.99%
combine 1.78%
say 1.46%
will 1.11%
check 1.05%
fight 0.86%
combine + v. >>共 292
make 11.14%
create 7.78%
form 5.63%
produce 5.63%
win 3.59%
give 3.35%
push 2.75%
keep 1.80%
cause 1.20%
drive 1.08%
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