81.   Aristide has also attacked the local church hierarchy, accusing it over the past years for backing the former ruling family, the Duvaliers.

82.   But some priests complain that the Church hierarchy is not doing enough to root out the mob.

83.   Cardinal Godfried Danneels denied the church hierarchy bore any responsibility for the actions of Father Andre Vanderlyn, a Brussels parish priest charged with sexually assaulting three underage boys.

84.   Critics accuse the church hierarchy of giving official sanction to the military government and doing little to prevent the human rights abuses that took place.

85.   Fado said the issue of same-sex marriage is critical to many church members and needs to be addressed by the church hierarchy.

86.   Gone is the automatic deference to the will of the church hierarchy.

87.   He has criticized church hierarchy for fostering anti-Semitism and has exposed many priests and church officials as KGB collaborators.

88.   Historically, sculpture was frowned upon, Leo says, because the church hierarchy saw its three-dimensional forms as being dangerously close to the Divine.

89.   However, the church hierarchy appears split.

90.   It also poses subtle questions about the role of women in church hierarchy and the vow of chastity.

a. + hierarchy >>共 222
church 15.62%
catholic 7.09%
party 6.96%
social 3.94%
military 3.28%
corporate 3.15%
roman_catholic 3.02%
ruling 2.10%
clerical 1.71%
rigid 1.71%
church + n. >>共 868
leader 11.30%
official 10.55%
member 6.11%
service 5.21%
group 3.49%
bell 3.09%
hierarchy 1.51%
teaching 1.51%
choir 1.24%
compound 1.23%
每页显示:    共 118