81.   Romar seems to command it, with his utter lack of pretension, his reputation for integrity, and the overt manifestations of his Christian faith.

82.   Scholars are reinterpreting biblical texts, historical traditions, liturgies, and ethics of Christian faith -- offering creative visions of a global and inclusive faith.

83.   She was also known for her devoted Christian faith.

84.   Siedentop argues that if liberalism is to recover its true identity it must acknowledge its roots in Christian faith.

85.   Some critics say the mainline churches have hurt themselves by becoming more interested in pursuing social-justice issues than in teaching the Christian faith.

86.   So, is there any particular Christian faith he believes in?

87.   Spurning appeals from the United States, President Boris Yeltsin signed a new law Friday that protects the Russian Orthodox Church from competition with other Christian faiths.

88.   St. Patrick, once a slave in Ireland, returned to spread the Christian faith among his former captors, the Celts.

89.   St. Nino was a young woman from Cappadocia who, in the third or fourth century, set out to spread the Christian faith.

90.   That kind of equation, they suggested, would be even riskier to the integrity of Christian faith than to the civility of politics.

a. + faith >>共 411
religious 11.58%
bad 10.28%
christian 7.04%
islamic 3.33%
muslim 3.01%
different 2.92%
catholic 2.69%
blind 2.64%
great 2.50%
strong 2.27%
christian + n. >>共 892
church 4.51%
group 4.29%
conservative 3.38%
leader 2.82%
faith 2.76%
community 2.60%
denomination 1.87%
music 1.80%
missionary 1.75%
school 1.51%
每页显示:    共 151