81.   The U.S.-Japan spat did cast a pall over the annual Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development meeting in Paris last month.

82.   The violence on the streets of the capital city immediately cast a pall on what was to be a festive occasion immune from political controversy.

83.   The videotaping has cast a pall of self-consciousness over both teacher and students.

84.   They also moved to resolve a nagging dispute over pensions for Jewish survivors of World War II that had threatened to cast a pall over the visit.

85.   Three deaths last year cast a pall over the entire enterprise.

86.   Throughout the town, the news of another seeming Kennedy tragedy cast a pall on the pleasures of a summer weekend.

87.   U.S. stocks also fell as declining European markets cast a pall over stock investing across the Atlantic.

88.   Weak corporate profits in a variety of sectors continued to cast a pall on the market.

89.   When such sales did not materialize, retailers were left with large inventories that cast a pall over the industry for much of this year.

90.   When Enron Corp. stumbled into bankruptcy amid allegations of financial scandal, it cast a pall over capital markets for other utilities and energy traders.

v. + pall >>共 10
cast 92.40%
send 2.34%
raise 1.17%
create 0.58%
have 0.58%
produce 0.58%
see 0.58%
sense 0.58%
thicken 0.58%
throw 0.58%
cast + n. >>共 571
ballot 25.52%
vote 15.37%
doubt 14.11%
shadow 7.40%
pall 3.02%
spell 1.80%
eye 1.62%
cloud 1.34%
lot 1.30%
light 1.28%
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