81.   Bargain hunting propelled stocks higher Thursday as Wall Street interpreted better-than-expected results from Yahoo! as a sign that business might be improving after all.

82.   Bargain hunting propelled stocks sharply higher Thursday after better-than-expected results from Yahoo! renewed hopes that business might be improving after all.

83.   Businesses should improve their transparency to gain confidence from global investors and consumers so they could survive global competition.

84.   But business had improved.

85.   But blue chips struggled to advance amid increasing uncertainty about when business will improve.

86.   But they were doubtful the advance would continue long term, because of the fact most companies still see no signs that business is improving.

87.   Customers were returning and business was improving.

88.   Employers are also expected to promise to rehire dismissed workers when their business has improved.

89.   For weeks, hopes that business will improve early next year have been boosting the market.

90.   Gainers included companies that initiated cost-cutting measures or indicated business could be improving.

n. + improve >>共 1228
condition 7.51%
situation 5.26%
economy 4.13%
thing 2.97%
relation 2.64%
step 2.27%
business 2.26%
technology 1.71%
weather 1.63%
sale 1.20%
business + v. >>共 620
be 24.41%
have 3.51%
boom 1.85%
continue 1.60%
grow 1.54%
do 1.36%
go 1.35%
improve 1.29%
take 1.26%
say 1.25%
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