81.   They were slaughtered between the pews, hacked to death with machetes in the reflection of the stained-glass windows and then buried beneath the banana trees.

82.   They are presumably buried deep beneath Uruk sites or covered by river silt.

83.   They were found six weeks later, buried beneath a nearby dam, ending a nationwide search.

84.   Three millennia of Jewish, Christian and Muslim history are buried beneath the deserts and valleys here.

85.   Two or three generations of a family typically are buried beneath the floors of a house.

86.   Unique in the world, Wyoming rivers set their courses with no regard for the mountains buried beneath them.

87.   Victims were entangled in the miles of cables and wires or buried beneath the windowed hunks of the plane.

88.   Using temperature probes buried beneath the soil, scientists found the answer.

89.   What we see is their epitaph, film footage found buried beneath an abandoned house a year after they vanished.

90.   We have a secret, hidden behind the Sierra Madres and buried beneath the San Andreas Fault.

v. + beneath >>共 469
bury 8.24%
lie 7.39%
hide 5.49%
lurk 3.03%
sit 3.03%
find 2.41%
trap 2.41%
be 2.02%
stand 1.90%
disappear 1.46%
bury + p. >>共 70
in 56.87%
under 10.22%
at 7.30%
on 5.35%
with 4.51%
beneath 3.16%
near 1.63%
for 0.79%
inside 0.73%
nearby 0.67%
每页显示:    共 146