81.   United Nations aid agencies have accused Macedonia of using bureaucratic delays to slow the influx of both refugees and aid.

82.   Unpaid dues and bureaucratic delays have made it virtually impossible for the U.N. to respond quickly to crises like those in Kosovo and East Timor, he said.

83.   He also cited bureaucratic delays in procuring and transporting firefighting equipment, forcing his team to sit idle.

84.   He said exporters were frustrated with red tape and bureaucratic delays.

85.   Bansal said bureaucratic delays will not be allowed to hold up any project offered for privatisation.

86.   Boutros-Ghali acknowledged that UN bureaucratic delays were partially responsible for the delays in deploying the force and that he was determined to remove these roadblocks.

87.   But she said bureaucratic delays meant her efforts had come to nought.

88.   Bureaucratic delays have cost companies vast sums of money and have put back the implementation of many projects.

89.   Vietnam insists on verifying the nationality and approving lists of all those to be deported, creating lengthy bureaucratic delays in the process.

90.   The first group returned home last month after several bureaucratic delays as Vietnam insists on making thorough checks on the migrants before they return.

a. + delay >>共 423
long 13.13%
further 12.42%
bureaucratic 3.45%
lengthy 2.93%
repeated 2.66%
latest 1.95%
possible 1.88%
planting 1.76%
slight 1.69%
major 1.69%
bureaucratic + n. >>共 514
delay 6.06%
hurdle 2.70%
obstacle 2.64%
procedure 2.57%
nightmare 2.11%
problem 1.91%
inertia 1.85%
process 1.85%
control 1.71%
barrier 1.65%
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