81.   For a brief period, frustration, anger and confusion stunned the team.

82.   For a brief period, the sex establishments prevailed in court.

83.   For high-tech entrepreneurs and the venture capitalists who finance them, the stellar gains follow a brief period of gloom.

84.   For just a brief period of time, fold that mirror into the car and drive the same speed.

85.   Finding top-flight people to serve in government for brief periods in their professional lives has always been a challenge.

86.   First they were allowed indoors for brief periods to watch football games on television.

87.   For two years, its river has been bone dry, except for brief periods when man or nature managed to make the water flow again.

88.   For a brief period Friday onight there was some confusion among some Dole aides after they said Dole had delayed calling Kemp.

89.   For a brief period of time, this was a game, and Williams knew it.

90.   For a brief period three years ago, he could play satisfactorily.

a. + period >>共 576
second 11.27%
first 9.66%
third 9.10%
long 7.32%
same 4.51%
short 3.58%
extended 2.33%
longer 2.31%
waiting 2.13%
brief 1.92%
brief + n. >>共 1295
statement 5.71%
visit 4.47%
period 2.96%
appearance 2.62%
moment 2.12%
meeting 1.97%
stint 1.52%
ceremony 1.50%
interview 1.50%
time 1.49%
每页显示:    共 292