81.   Behind-the-scenes deals cut with the far right skewed results and blurred the distinction between the mainstream right and the National Front.

82.   Former rival parties have bonded together behind several candidates, blurring the distinctions between parties and candidates.

83.   In the cities, caste distinctions become blurred.

84.   It is an observance packed with symbolism that blurs the distinction between prince and pauper.

85.   Opposition groups condemned the use of government school hostels as another instance of Zanu blurring the distinction between the ruling party and the state.

86.   Several traditional NL teams objected, not wanting to blur distinctions and not wanting two teams from the same market in the same division.

87.   The behind-the-scenes deals, it was feared, risked blurring the distinction between the mainstream right and the National Front.

88.   The dispute reflected persistent animosities between the government, which is unaccustomed to criticism, and the free press which often blurs the distinction between fact and fancy.

89.   The increase in anti-Semitic acts blurred the distinction between anti-Israeli acts and attacks against Jews, the report said.

90.   They also argue that the military airdrops blur the distinction between friend and foe, endangering future humanitarian aid by independent organizations.

v. + distinction >>共 209
make 24.36%
draw 19.08%
blur 8.01%
have 7.10%
hold 2.06%
earn 1.82%
lose 1.57%
achieve 1.24%
see 1.16%
claim 1.07%
blur + n. >>共 111
line 37.78%
distinction 16.81%
vision 9.19%
boundary 4.85%
image 1.91%
face 1.73%
border 1.56%
difference 1.21%
edge 0.87%
identity 0.87%
每页显示:    共 97