81.   She said countries were particularly interested in how emerging infections like the bird flu could spread through trade and travel within Apec, affecting food products and infecting populations.

82.   She said hospitals should hire more full-time or part-time nurses, especially because patients have been flooding hospitals recently in panic that their illness may be bird flu.

83.   She told The Associated Press it would remain in force until further details about the bird flu were known.

84.   Some older residents shopping at a market Wednesday seemed unperturbed by yet another spate of bird flu, despite the potential of a dangerous mutant virus.

85.   South Africa said it had placed a moratorium on the import of all poultry meat from the mainland to prevent the spread of the bird flu.

86.   She said a bird flu that acquired internal human flu genes could be capable of spreading rapidly from person to person.

87.   She said experts worry, however, that the Hong Kong bird flu still could make genetic changes that would turn it into a more virulent human killer.

88.   She said the five-year-old student who contracted bird flu fell sick in class last Tuesday.

89.   Shoppers were fearful of catching the bird flu from anything that had come into contact with the chickens.

90.   Some experts have said they believe that like most strains of influenza, the bird flu originated in southern China.

n. + flu >>共 25
bird 56.33%
stomach 28.82%
year 2.18%
day 1.31%
championship 0.87%
summer 0.87%
time 0.87%
week 0.87%
winter 0.87%
burnt-orange 0.44%
bird + n. >>共 379
flu 10.01%
species 5.28%
sanctuary 3.80%
song 3.72%
cage 3.18%
population 3.10%
life 3.03%
virus 2.95%
dropping 1.86%
scare 1.86%
每页显示:    共 128