81.   Clinton wants signatories to submit annual declarations about installations and activities that could be used for a biological weapons program.

82.   Controlling biological weapons is much harder than controlling nuclear weapons.

83.   Defense Secretary William Perry will discuss the conversion of chemical-weapons factories and Russian research into biological weapons.

84.   Despite the potential threat, U.S. efforts to deal with biological weapons used against a civilian population are only two years old, Henderson said.

85.   Dozens of countries sought biological weapons, missiles and even nuclear weapons.

86.   Dr. Matthew Meselson, a Harvard biologist and expert on biological weapons, was recently allowed to visit the city and to reconstruct the likely sequence of events.

87.   Earlier this month, Iraq disclosed that it made, stockpiled and later destroyed biological weapons.

88.   Even before the attacks in New York and Washington, meetings were held to regulate small arms and step up prohibition of biological weapons.

89.   Even if the biological weapons were never used, the rumors of their existence could make little nations take note and might give Western powers reason to pause.

90.   Even if United Nations inspectors in Iraq were to complete their task tomorrow, the larger problem of the global proliferation of biological weapons would remain unresolved.

a. + weapon >>共 559
automatic 9.86%
chemical 9.65%
heavy 7.50%
biological 5.79%
illegal 3.97%
new 2.94%
concealed 2.46%
banned 1.73%
suspected 1.57%
deadly 1.48%
biological + n. >>共 486
weapon 27.29%
agent 5.87%
parent 4.71%
attack 3.38%
father 3.18%
mother 2.12%
diversity 1.78%
research 1.47%
material 1.37%
child 1.23%
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