81.   The House bill faces an uphill struggle in the Democratic-controlled Senate, where Ziglar was the popular sergeant-at-arms before taking the immigration job.

82.   The Interior appropriations bill still faces votes in the House and Senate.

83.   The House approved a separate bill containing the schools measure alone, but that bill faces certain defeat in the Senate if it ever reaches a vote there.

84.   The parental notification bill faces a final Senate vote, probably today, that would send it to the House, where supporters and opponents are predicting passage.

85.   The spending bills now face a long floor fight in which senators are expected to offer scores of amendments that they were discouraged from introducing during the committee debate.

86.   There is no companion measure on travel currently before the Senate, the critics noted, and the overall bill faces a presidential veto on unrelated matters.

87.   Then the compromise bill will face votes again in both chambers before moving to the White House, where it could meet opposition.

88.   They said prospects in the Senate are good, but in the House, where support for the Cuba embargo is stronger, the bill faces an uncertain future.

89.   While the bill faces a veto from President Bill Clinton, it will give both sides ammunition in Fall elections.

n. + face >>共 963
company 5.73%
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president 1.08%
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bill 0.89%
bill + v. >>共 493
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