81.   They also provide beta carotene and lycopene, both believed to help reduce the chances of certain cancers.

82.   They found that beta carotene had no preventive effect on chest pain.

83.   They are potent antioxidants, rich in beta carotene and several vitamins.

84.   There seems to be abundant research that indicates if we consume lots of beta carotene and plenty of vitamin C, we can live longer, healthier lives.

85.   They have great flavor and are a super source of beta carotene.

86.   They are high in vitamins C and E as well as beta carotene.

87.   They ate fruits and vegetables and other foods rich in carotenoids, the large family of nutrients that includes beta carotene.

88.   Those in the study who had taken beta carotene had a higher rate of cancer than those who had taken a placebo.

89.   Vitamin A and beta carotene, a more basic form of the vitamin, are already converted by the body into retinoic acid.

90.   Until recently, chemists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture analyzed foods only for the carotenoids, including beta carotene, that the body converts to vitamin A.

n. + carotene >>共 4
beta 97.09%
bird 0.97%
process 0.97%
weapon 0.97%
beta + n. >>共 65
carotene 28.41%
blocker 22.44%
version 7.95%
interferon 4.55%
software 3.13%
amyloid 2.84%
tester 2.84%
drug 1.99%
radiation 1.99%
supplement 1.70%
每页显示:    共 99