81.   Bush reaffirmed his commitment to the regime-change policy, and recalled that it began under Clinton.

82.   But he also credited Pataki with twice expanding state health care efforts begun under former Democratic Gov. Mario Cuomo, while little was done federally.

83.   China-Japan summit to begin under shadow of controversial remark.

84.   Construction of the units began under the previous government, which encouraged settlement in the occupied territories.

85.   Construction began under a building adjacent to the bank that the suspects had rented on the pretext of starting up a video rental business, he said.

86.   Democrat Gore said Americans want to continue the prosperity begun under the Clinton-Gore administration.

87.   Fleischer said the chiller installation was part of conservation measures begun under former Presidents Bush and Clinton.

88.   He said he is prepared to continue the process of reconciliation with Vietnam that was begun under the previous administration.

89.   Israeli villages were closed off as the search began under a media blackout, but the infiltrator was not found.

90.   Korean presidential campaign begins under dark economic cloud.

v. + under >>共 914
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begin + p. >>共 57
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