81.   They also like to poke around homes being remodeled, mostly to hunt in old wall spaces for beer cans the original construction workers might have dropped.

82.   They gave her water in a beer can, and after she complained that she was in pain, asked her if she wanted to go to a hospital.

83.   They have found syringes, beer cans, guns, bullets, rings, necklaces, dolls, toy boats, rats and mice.

84.   Think of Windows as a tourist leaving cigarette butts, candy wrappers, beer cans and used Huggies all over the pristine landscape of your hard drive.

85.   They saw the sky blaze, heard loud explosions and felt the ground shake, in one case knocking beer cans off a table.

86.   Thousands of bombs, beer cans and even a sunken Volkswagen have caused false alarms.

87.   Warhol was going to paint Rheingold beer cans.

88.   We passed milk cartons, bottles and lots of beer cans, among other things.

89.   What do novels, encyclopedias and collections of beer cans all have in common?

90.   With a can opener, remove the tops of the half-empty beer cans.

n. + can >>共 273
trash 28.72%
beer 12.39%
soda 4.67%
aluminum 4.18%
spray 3.70%
aerosol 3.14%
paint 2.17%
soup 2.01%
gas 1.69%
gasoline 1.53%
beer + n. >>共 331
bottle 11.41%
can 8.92%
company 3.82%
sale 3.82%
drinker 3.53%
market 3.47%
commercial 2.49%
garden 2.37%
maker 2.14%
belly 1.91%
每页显示:    共 153