81.   Using this equation is extremely time-consuming, often involving a series of calculations and the use of tables.

82.   They recommended that experimental human clinical trials be undertaken using a non-human retrovirus such as the simian immunodeficiency virus from monkeys.

83.   Peres called Tuesday for a complete halt to weapons sales in the occupied territories and said funds would be better used for education, science and technology.

v. + use >>共 672
make 4.49%
be 4.10%
put 2.52%
opt 2.37%
do 2.27%
create 2.07%
produce 1.58%
calculate 1.48%
develop 1.43%
build 1.38%
be + v. >>共 1041
go 8.23%
say 4.28%
include 3.27%
follow 2.62%
compare 2.38%
be 1.98%
give 1.39%
have 1.16%
make 1.16%
do 0.75%
use 0.58%
每页显示:    共 82