81.   Still, the compromise reached last week is surprising given the clashing interests that marked the debate for so long.

82.   That fear was understandable given the Haitian refugee crisis at the time.

83.   That is understandable given the pressures of an all-out campaign.

84.   That opening burst built a cushion that was impenetrable given the way Woods was playing.

85.   Supporters said the funding levels were appropriate given the budget crunch.

86.   That definitely includes Germany, whose electorate is a lot more skeptical about giving up the mark than its leaders are.

87.   That may be optimistic given the signs of slowdown in the computer businesses.

88.   The ability of the SEC to bring me before their self-servicing kangaroo court is unconscionable given their close ties to Gary Lynch.

89.   The changed attitudes on race and social welfare, and a growing resentment toward immigrants, were striking given the relatively healthy state of the economy.

90.   The decision to remain in the partnership is surprising given the sometimes contentious relationship between the two companies.

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