81.   And not far beyond the plaster is always the bottom line.

82.   Beyond that everything is out of our control.

83.   But beyond that nothing is certain.

84.   Though growing them usually is illegal beyond the Andes, the plants are a tempting cash-crop for hardscrabble local farmers.

v. + beyond >>共 682
extend 12.37%
look 8.16%
go 5.82%
spread 3.95%
reach 3.84%
get 3.65%
expand 3.38%
burn 3.01%
lie 2.03%
see 1.70%
be 1.45%
be + p. >>共 83
in 38.86%
for 12.65%
on 9.80%
at 8.82%
with 3.64%
by 3.25%
among 2.97%
to 2.73%
of 1.92%
during 1.36%
beyond 0.22%
每页显示:    共 84