81.   They were set too high, so it got a bad reputation as having too many side effects.

82.   This has given a bad reputation to Vouvrays in particular.

83.   To dramatize his case to Chernomyrdin, Gore waved newspapers articles suggesting Russia was acquiring a bad reputation among foreign investors.

84.   To start making inroads with Hispanics, the GOP must overcome a notoriously bad reputation of late for antagonizing Hispanics.

85.   Though minivans are counted as a big vehicle, sport-utility vehicles are getting most of the bad reputation among safety analysts.

86.   Urban residents have a bad reputation for over-using all types of lawn chemicals, from fertilizer to weed killers and fungicides.

87.   Vietnamese officials know all too well that their country has a bad reputation among foreign investors.

88.   Westinghouse has to hope that Karmazin can continue to motivate Stern and keep him from giving the Pittsburgh-based giant a bad reputation.

89.   Why do we have such a bad reputation?

90.   Passengers are scarce for a number of reasons, including the bad reputation of Atlanta cabbies known for dirty taxis and an abysmal knowledge of the city.

a. + reputation >>共 613
good 6.88%
international 5.97%
national 5.20%
bad 4.90%
strong 2.49%
solid 1.80%
growing 1.80%
excellent 1.63%
academic 1.33%
sterling 1.29%
bad + n. >>共 658
weather 8.82%
loan 5.63%
thing 3.68%
guy 3.57%
luck 3.23%
day 2.71%
time 2.34%
idea 2.01%
one 1.39%
publicity 1.24%
reputation 0.47%
每页显示:    共 113