81.   She is on the telephone much of the day with clients and the press, so background noise and interruptions must be kept to a minimum.

82.   Since the Constitution protects advertising as freedom of speech, the way to deal with violent background noise is to persuade the noisemakers themselves to dampen it.

83.   Sports talk provided background noise.

84.   So Galliano likes the idea of seeing women trussed up in bondage gear against a background noise of whips and sighs?

85.   Still others use it as background noise while doing housework, reading, or talking on the phone.

86.   Tapping a pen during a videoconference can be annoying to those involved, since the microphones generally pick up background noise as well as the sound of voices.

87.   That attitude remains part of the background noise among churches that insist on sexual abstinence before marriage.

88.   That will avoid the background noise caused by thermal and fast neutrons and gamma rays.

89.   The adjustment is to place brag-speak in the same category as the background noise from the air conditioner, elevator or traffic.

90.   The background noise that catches your attention if you listen very closely is very disturbing.

n. + noise >>共 144
background 24.71%
crowd 11.44%
engine 7.79%
traffic 6.80%
wind 5.47%
aircraft 5.31%
road 2.16%
airport 1.66%
jet 1.49%
line 1.33%
background + n. >>共 235
check 51.21%
music 6.61%
noise 6.23%
information 5.40%
investigation 2.13%
material 1.63%
radiation 1.46%
report 1.34%
file 0.96%
activity 0.79%
每页显示:    共 148